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HOW ODDIN.GG EXPANDED ITS REACH WITH MULTILINGUAL ESPORTS CONTENT is a global B2B provider specializing in esports odds feeds, risk management, and iFrame solutions. To expand its reach to a broader international audience, Oddin aimed to offer its products in multiple languages, allowing users to engage with esports content in their native tongues.
Inclusivity and Accessibility: Tackling iGaming’s Next Big Challenge
From device-specific websites to using sociolects, know how to make your iGaming content and website more inclusive and accessible.
Promo Ideas During Football Matches: How Can Brands Leverage Football Advertising?
Football arenas offer plenty of opportunities for advertisers to get their brands in front of their key target demographics. Here’s how YOUR brand can benefit.
Google’s Latest Generative AI Update And What It Means for iGaming Marketing
Google recently rolled out more new artificial intelligence technology for its core search product. Here’s how it might play out for iGaming.
The Role of Content vs. Context in iGaming Content Marketing
Content is king in every sense of the word when it comes to content marketing – iGaming included. Here’s why.
Gambling-Related Policy Updates You Need to Know for Each Social Media Platform
Platforms like Twitch have extended their policy to ban sites containing roulette, slots, and dice games. Google remains ad-friendly but with new updates.