Professional Spanish Translation
Spanning the globe, Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world
Our Spanish iGaming Services
Translating and creating iGaming content in Spanish is a much more complex process than it may appear. It requires an expert approach and deep knowledge of the various regional dialects – most of them have their own little quirks and oddities that, while subtle, may make the difference between winning over a potential customer.
Spanish is the native language of 470 million people in 20 countries across the globe, making it the second most spoken language in the world after Chinese. There are many differences between the European version, commonly known as español or castellano (the two are considered synonymous in Spain, while Latin American speakers almost exclusively refer to it by using the latter), and the South American ones. However, one key characteristic remains the same regardless of location – the passion and temperament that Spanish, as a Romance language, conveys. This is something of crucial importance and, if done right, of great benefit for Spanish iGaming localization. Our Translation Royale writers and translators are here to make sure your iGaming content receives that Iberian or Latino spice and looks, feels and reads in an authentic fashion. It doesn’t matter if it’s Sports Betting, Online Poker and Casinos or even Fantasy Sports and eSports – our Spanish iGaming translations and content are top-notch and always tailored to your specifications.
A Huge Variety Demands Expertise
As mentioned, many countries around the world call Spanish their native language, and each one of them has sprinkled in its own culture and traditions into shaping it throughout the years, leading to many different variants of the same linguistic base. The main reason for this variance is found in the history of the language – Spanish was introduced to Latin America at a time when it still was “under construction” itself. This has led to a “royal flush” of languages, if you will, with each version being unique in both its written and spoken forms. To better outline the differences, here is a list of the various shades of Spanish you can find in Europe and South America:
Peninsular Spanish (Castilian/Andalusian)
While there is no “true” variant of Spanish out there, Castilian is considered by many to be the most significant, due to being the home of the main regulatory institution of the language – the Real Academia Española. This is one of two versions you will find spoken by the majority of Spain (along with Andalusian) and also the one that introduces the majority of key terms one needs to know in order to start working in Spanish iGaming content creation or translation, but more on that later. Castellano is vibrant, expressive and often borrows from colloquially-coined phrases and idioms even in written form. This allows for extra freedom in translating or creating content that is a touch more personal, further backed by the choice in plural address forms – a unique characteristic of Peninsular Spanish is the presence of both vosotros and ustedes when talking to two or more people. While this intricacy leads to more options, it also introduces the challenges of knowing when one form is more suitable than the other, and also when to draw the line.
A recurring theme with Spanish in general is possessing the awareness necessary to produce high-quality materials that are a pleasure to read – this requires a careful balance. Go overboard, and the end result is a mess of words that only showcases that the author was trying too hard. On the other hand, we believe boring Spanish content is borderline criminal, given how much the language gives you so you can express yourself in an intriguing and captivating manner, regardless of topic. We ensure this important balance is achieved in our Spanish iGaming translations and brand new content, thanks to years of experience, thorough research and excellence in translating and writing.
Latin American Spanish
If Peninsular Spanish is the language of choice for native speakers in Europe, then the one in South America is what one would call “a melting pot”, only without that much melting happening. What’s most interesting about Latin American Spanish is how different it can be from country to country – if you visited Colombia and then Chile, it would almost feel as if you were hearing two completely different languages. Naturally, spoken forms are one thing and when put to writing, the language remains uniform for the most part. However, another interesting thing about Spanish is that many words, phrases and even idioms have been incorporated from spoken forms to the written one. Naturally, since we are talking about 30 different countries here, these new additions are very different from one to the next, which calls for native-like proficiency and serious experience as far as Spanish iGaming localization is concerned.
Since explaining the intricacies of each and every variant of Latin American Spanish out there is a task fitting of a dissertation, we will highlight the most interesting examples:
Chilean Spanish
The spoken variant of Chilean Spanish feels like Peninsular Spanish on fast-forward. Fortunately, this is not an issue when it comes to writing or translating content. The main challenges here are related to grammar and vocabulary – as with many other Latin American Spanish variations, the Chilean one has some unique aspects that must be taken into consideration for the ultimate in Spanish iGaming translation and content creation. These include an emphasis on the “queísmo”, meaning preferred usage of que instead of de que in official writing, and heavy use of diminutives. As mentioned, balance is key – you don’t want content that reads like a bad joke or, even worse, content that sounds dull and uninspired. This is why at Translation Royale we have studied Chilean Spanish to perfection, ensuring your Chilean customers will be continually impressed by the quality of your content.
Rioplatense Spanish (Argentina and Uruguay)
Rioplatense Spanish is a challenge to translate and create brand new content in for everyone. There are over 9,000 words in this dialect which you won’t find anywhere else – in many cases, other Spanish speakers may not even understand them. These range from basic vocabulary to local slang and even specialized terms. This inevitably affects the iGaming localization service, so knowing which word to use in the appropriate context is of paramount importance. Another crucial aspect that must be taken into account at all times is that Rioplatense Spanish, similar to other Latin American variants, can often be exceedingly vulgar. A direct consequence of colloquial slang penetrating the core of the language, this is no small matter. You don’t want to find yourself in an embarrassing situation where your content shows incompetence by making use of derogatory words – hence, a professional background and extensive research is required to avoid such predicaments. You can rest assured that our Translation Royale Spanish iGaming content creation and translation specialists possess the required skill and knowledge to provide you with the top-quality service you deserve.
Peruvian Spanish
The thing that makes Peruvian Spanish stand out is that it contains a variety of dialects within itself. Those not only affect the way it is spoken, but grammar and vocabulary in its written form as well. There are four main varieties spoken by about 80% of Peru’s population, and each one of them carries its own air of uniqueness. The differences are highly technical, resulting in a demand for special attention and prowess. This, combined with the common phenomenon in Latin America of ustedes being the only available word for addressing in the plural form, makes it imperative that an expert approach is taken when talking about iGaming. At Translation Royale, we make it our primary goal to deliver excellence and region-correct Spanish iGaming translations, as well as original content – there is nothing more important to us than providing you, the customer, with materials that will meet and even exceed your expectations.
Of course, each variation of Latin American Spanish carries its own personality. While many elements are common among them, the devil is in the details. Mexican Spanish, for example, borrows a lot from the English language, to the point where there is a separate linguistic amalgamation called Spanglish. Colombian Spanish, on the other hand, is considered as one of the purest dialects out there, often described as the most clear and beautiful variations of Spanish in the world.
Attention to the small things is what separates excellent iGaming content from the vast pool of mediocrity, and at Translation Royale we are committed to giving you the best there is. Our Spanish translators and writers come from many different backgrounds, and we have hand-picked the best for our Spanish iGaming localization services.
The iGaming Landscape
The language variations may be wildly different from country to country, but there is one thing that all Spanish-speaking populations around the world have in common – their love for iGaming.
In Spain, the iGaming market has over 600,000 active users. Moreover, it saw an increase in gross revenue of 23% in the final quarter of 2016, with total amounts wagered at almost 3 billion euro. Sports Betting is the crowd favorite, generating around 55% of the revenue, followed by Online Casinos and Online Poker. While serious regulations exist, they are still lax enough to allow iGaming to become more and more popular in Spain, and the forecasts aren’t predicting any changes in that regard.
The situation is a bit more complicated in South America as far as legislation goes. In Chile, there have been talks of lifting the ban on Online Casinos since 2012. In 2013 there were attempts of passing laws that would allow licenses to a number of casinos, but the matter is still unresolved as of today. Regardless, the country does not actively prevent offshore playing, and the government has shown serious interest in creating a domestic iGaming industry.
On the other hand, there are many examples of young and thriving Latin American online gaming markets. Peru is one of them – with over 700 locations that enjoy great attention by Peruvians, this country has become one of the iGaming leaders in South America. Argentina is making great progress as well, making life easier for operators and allowing greater opportunities to those who wish to play.
If there is one conclusion to be drawn from this, it’s that the Spanish iGaming markets are a very lucrative destination. With a good deal of them already being well-developed and continuing to improve at a rapid pace, while others are still ripe for the picking with a lot of untapped potential, the desire to play of Spanish-speaking customers across the globe is evident. Since plenty of South American countries have banned or heavily restricted domestic online gaming, the question isn’t whether it’s worth it to invest in Spanish iGaming localization – it’s how you make sure you have picked the right candidate for the job.
A Community that Deserves a Great Service
Spanish-speaking iGaming enthusiasts are passionate, loyal and impulsive, as is their culture. This combination of traits makes each and every one of them a valuable customer, and providing them with Spanish iGaming translations and content pieces that go above and beyond expectations is the ace you need to guarantee they stick around and become permanent customers. Everyone appreciates good work – at Translation Royale, we always go all in when it comes to our services and we aim to keep our track record going by providing you with all that you need in Spanish iGaming content creation. There is a lot to consider when it comes to the Spanish language – so bet on the safe choice and let us work our magic – rest assured that we will offer you the equivalent of a jackpot in Spanish iGaming localization services.