Unicode: The Journey From Standardizing Texts to Emojis
Wondering why texts sometimes look crooked, or why emojis look different from, let’s say, Apple to Facebook Messenger?
Wondering why texts sometimes look crooked, or why emojis look different from, let’s say, Apple to Facebook Messenger?
Since primitive age, we humans, have used different ways to communicate with each other, exchange information, express ourselves, and even be creative.
Our company’s roots lie in Germany and as language professionals, we like to live up to one of the most common clichés about Germans: Accuracy and fussiness.
Did you know that the longest word in the world according to the Guinness World Records is a 195-character long Sanskrit compound word? This word describes a region near Kanci, Tamil Nadu, India, and it seemed to appear in a 16th-century literature work by Tirumalāmbā, Queen of Vijayanagara.
There are over 7,000 languages spoken around the world today, and each one is unique in its own way. So, how do we know where they originated from and how they are affecting our mind? Is the English language breaking down the language barrier or creating more problems?
What’s the second most common first language in any country?