Author: Sebastian Scheplitz
“It’s easy as pie to launch an iGaming content marketing campaign and create outstanding content every day!”
Said no iGaming content marketer or affiliate ever.
Creating top-shelf content has become even more of a valuable commodity at a time when content is a dime-a-dozen.
And the world’s most successful companies know it. We only need to look at the Disneys and the Netflixes of the world to see how critical a component content marketing is as far as every marketer and affiliate’s arsenal is concerned.
Case in point: the world’s nine biggest media and tech firms are spending $140 billion on content marketing in 2022. Staggering.
But even then, anyone engaged in content marketing will relate to the fact that you have to spend money to make money as an iGaming marketer or affiliate.
B2C organizations spend 26% of their total marketing budget on content marketing. The most successful ones, on the other hand, allocate 40% of their total marketing expenditures to content marketing.
That’s why they win.
Because they know the value of paying for top-notch content.
After all, how would you entice new customers to play at your online casino or sportsbook when its content is riddled with spelling and grammar errors, or text that’s completely been ripped off from someone else’s work?
It’s possible to produce premium content regularly, but it doesn’t come cheap. But while marketing budgets may change and project managers might come and go, the importance of good content always remains.
We can never emphasize enough the importance of high-quality iGaming content, and in order to produce such content, you also need to have a smooth work process and know if it is worth the effort. Here is a brief guide to how you can do that:
As you can see, creating and maintaining consistently outstanding content is central to your content marketing efforts.
It allows your readers to acclimate themselves with your brand and your business, therefore helping solidify trust – the bedrock of every good relationship.
Therefore, iGaming marketers and affiliates need to plan and ensure that they have all the necessary tools – and budget at their disposal – to ensure an efficient and successful content marketing plan that achieves their intended purpose.
With that being said, it’s important to understand content efficiency and how you can work faster and smarter instead of harder.
What Is Content Efficiency and Why Is It Important for iGaming Content Marketing?
Content is a vital element of your iGaming brand’s marketing assets no matter how big or small your enterprise might be.
One thing remains the same: producing content – especially top-notch content – does take time. So does optimizing your content production workflow.
That’s where content efficiency comes in.
Content efficiency can be seen as the ratio of your content’s performance against how long it took to produce it. It’s a metric that indicates where your content production is within your iGaming content marketing strategy.
In layman’s terms, efficient work processes means faster, smarter, and higher-quality content production.
On the other hand, inefficient content production means having to work double the time to fix all the errors and the possibility of producing sub-par to mediocre content at best.
Moreover, inefficient content production efforts mean wasted time, money, and resources as an iGaming marketer or affiliate – to the tune of $958 million each year in overspending costs for mid-to-large cap B2C firms.
That’s no chump change.
Ramping up iGaming content marketing campaigns entails being able to keep up the pace with the industry.
While budgets aren’t exactly free-flowing as they once were, paying for sub-par content using inefficient processes will probably cost iGaming companies more money over the long run.
Nevertheless, companies spend billions each year on content production. This runs the entire gamut of content from blogs, videos, email newsletters, and everything in between.
Unfortunately, iGaming brands, marketers, and affiliates can’t just throw money at problematic content production processes and expect them to disappear.
This is made all the more evident when the numbers bear it out: companies quite literally trade their dollar for three-quarters’ worth of inefficient content. That’s 25 cents lost on every dollar. Significant.
So, how do iGaming marketers and affiliates recoup such losses? Like other B2Cs have.
Often, it’s just a matter of streamlining their content marketing production processes and improving their existing efficiencies to create more content in significantly less time than they have.
That’s because content efficiency saves time and money and improves customer experiences. In doing so, content efficiency is a prelude to building brand trust and loyalty.
But how do we measure content efficiency in the first place?
How to Measure Content Production Efficiency
Content marketing for online casinos and sportsbooks by itself is already a tall task. But it gets increasingly confounding when you factor in extremely tight production schedules.
Regardless, iGaming marketers and affiliates need to learn how to measure their performance if they wish to keep their content marketing campaigns on time and on target – and being efficient with content production is integral to that end.
Which content is hitting? Where is most of the traffic coming from? What content generated conversions?
These are among the most salient questions that iGaming marketers need to keep in mind.
Just the same, iGaming marketers would also need to use the metrics as a guide on how well the content is performing. Think of them as hints on what aspects about your iGaming content marketing strategy can be improved, and which ones can be done away with.
Ultimately, content efficiency is a matter of time and cost. Doing it the right way and using content efficiency to bolster content production processes and to improve content quality – not to mention raising your iGaming brand’s profile to a whole new level.
Here are some metrics you might want to implement to get a good grasp on how efficient your brand’s content production efforts are.
Production Time
How many days on average does it take for you to publish a piece of content from ideation to publication? This is one of the most important metrics for iGaming marketers and affiliates to measure.
If it’s taking too long to produce content, it’s time for an audit. Same goes for pieces that need frequent rework – are your ideas good enough or are the topics too tough? All of these factor into your average publishing time.
Distribution Time
How fast does your content hit your targeted verticals? How soon does it get to your audience? Missed deadlines are an unfortunate reality in the content marketing game, but how often does it occur?
It’s critical to keep a log of how often deadlines are blown, and then categorizing them depending on what medium and which producer. This metric will reveal where the bottlenecks are.
Correction Time
It’s always embarrassing for brands to publish content with egregious grammatical or factual errors – and nothing could harm the reputation of your iGaming brand more than that.
The question is, how soon can you take down erroneous or outdated content before someone else sees it?
Average Cost of Production
How much does it cost to produce each piece of content? Determine which pieces of content generated the most heat with the least money, and which pieces of content drew flies despite having spent a ton of money on it.
All this plays into understanding which approach you should take for content production for engagement and conversions.
Distribution Cost
Each piece of content will vary in cost when it comes to distribution. Some channels for distribution will cost more than others but offer a high return on investment. Of course, they could also have a low value and be expensive for distribution.
Pay attention to the distribution channels that generate the most qualified leads and traffic, but you must also pay attention to how much you’re paying for these. It is imperative that you compare the production cost with the distribution cost to determine the overall ROI.
3 Tips for Efficient iGaming Content Creation
We at Translation Royale use a variety of content marketing strategies for a wide array of clients engaged in the iGaming sector. And we firmly believe that streamlined, efficient content production is one of the best iGaming content marketing strategies around.
Any iGaming marketer or affiliate can implement them to maximize the value they receive from their expenditures by putting together a sound content marketing plan.
Here are three tips on how iGaming marketers and affiliates can create better content more efficiently.
1. Create a Content Calendar – And Stick To It
We’ve written about how essential content calendars are, and we’re going to write about it again. It’s that important. Content calendars help you plan out your iGaming content marketing strategy pipeline and hit your targets efficiently. Include dates, type of content to produce, and the appropriate assignee.
2. Use Frameworks
Creating content becomes infinitely more manageable when you have a set framework to follow regardless of its type.
It could be as simple as laying out a simple template of your titles, metadata, and headers to make it easy for iGaming wordsmiths to produce since they already have a mental map of where they want to go and what to expect.
Efficient content marketing systems don’t require rocket science, either. A simple efficient framework you can begin with right away is to use a content brief. Alternatively, you can use content marketing personas to better adapt your content to the segment you wish to target. Voila.
This could then feed into the editing and finalizing process. And since your writers have been following set frameworks, it makes the latter tasks simpler as the context and intent are clear from the get-go for the editors. Systems are critical to efficient production, and iGaming content is no different.
3. Utilize a Wide Array of Formats
Experimenting with various formats early on will help writers know precisely what type of content they need to create. In addition, this would give them the requisite know-how and creative freedom to create compelling long or short-form content and be efficient with their work processes.
For instance, you could opt to do long-form content on Mondays, on Wednesdays, you could do a podcast, and on Fridays, you can do an infographic. Approaching content creation with a plan will lead to more consistent, fresh, and engaging content that will help you convert. As a writer, no one wants to waste time facing a blank wall as to what piece of content to create.
Interactive content is another format that can help your overall iGaming content marketing campaign. This means content that isn’t merely designed to be consumed, but rather content that requires your audience to participate. This all helps boost brand awareness, conversion, and enhance the customer experience.
Moreover, interactive content can be personalized for optimum effect. Today’s consumers are more discerning and want more personal experiences, and interactive content is one of the ways you can achieve exactly just that.
What Kind of Content Can Be Produced Faster Than Others?
- Short-form blog posts
- Infographics
- Newsletters
Content Efficiency: Work Smart, Not Hard
Content production is integral to your overall iGaming content marketing strategy.
Granted, it is neither cheap nor fast to produce quality iGaming content. Nor is it easy to implement changes to optimize an underperforming content production workflow.
But by focusing on the three tips we gave as a start, you will find yourself creating better iGaming content more efficiently.
Remember the maxim: work smart, not hard.
And content efficiency will help you achieve just that.
Header Image Source: Photo by Pixabay on Pexels:
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